BSI's Commitment to Sustainability & Community
Our priority is to provide high quality products while creating a positive impact on our communities and sustaining a healthy planet.
BSI has made the commitment to be a responsible manufacturer in our industry and has many sustainable practices:

Positions to help address sustainability.
Recover 100% of scrap metal for recycling with extensive sorting program.

Converted to LED lighting in 45,000 sq ft facility
Recycle in all possible aspects of production

Aerosol cans are punched for safety and recycled through our metal scrapper.

​Pallets are given back to our supplier to be repaired and sold again. Pallets beyond repair are turned into mulch

All used batteries are recycled

Aerosol cans are punched for safety and recycled through our metal scrapper.

Plastic film and bags are baled and sent to TREX, where it's turned into composite decking.

Single stream recycle bins are used throughout the office and shop.

Replaced water bottles for visitors in our conference room with water in an aluminum can to reduce plastic waste.

Plastic film and bags are baled and sent to TREX, where it's turned into composite decking.
Reduce waste throughout the company.
Prioritize local sourcing whenever possible to stimulate local economy and cut transportation emissions.

Mt Morris Senior Center dropped off 1,100 lb of plastic film for baling & recycling

Mt Morris Senior Center dropped off 1,100 lb of plastic film for baling & recycling

Community Food Basket from Ottawa, IL dropping several hundred lb of plastic film for recycling.

Mt Morris Senior Center dropped off 1,100 lb of plastic film for baling & recycling
Collect & bale our own soft plastics through Trex and act as a film recycling resource to our community.
Donate to several Non-Profit charitable organizations in our community.